Preaching with Cultural Intelligence – Understanding the People Who Hear Our Sermons

Matthew D. Kim

449,00 kr

Jacket Description/Back: «An important book for pastors»

«Kim writes with the sensitivity of a pastor, the experience of a multicultural minority person, and the knowledge of an experienced homiletics professor–a wonderful combination for helping us think through what is needed to bring knowledge of hermeneutics, humans, and homiletics to bear on the task of preaching in a world of rapidly integrating cultures.»
— Bryan Chapell, Stated Clerk Pro Tempore, Presbyterian Church in America; author of Christ-Centered Preaching

«In this brave, vulnerable book, Kim reminds us that homiletics also includes diverse humans, both preachers and listeners. This is an essential text for anyone who takes seriously the call to love our neighbors through preaching, regardless of denominations, ethnicities, genders, locations, and religions.»
— Luke A. Powery, dean, Duke University Chapel

«I couldn’t be more thrilled to commend this book to preachers everywhere. Kim takes the science behind our work in cultural intelligence and brings it to life to help preachers share the greatest news of all. Rooted in research and made practical with specific biblical texts and application points, this book should be read by any preacher wishing to communicate effectively with the twenty-first-century congregation.»
— David Livermore, author and thought leader on cultural intelligence and global leadership

«Kim wisely and adeptly sensitizes preachers to the unexamined cultural and sociological assumptions that inevitably drive their preaching. This is a thoughtful, insightful book that offers more than mere homiletical technique–an important book for pastors.»
— Gerald Hiestand, cofounder, Center for Pastor Theologians; senior pastor, Calvary Memorial Church

«As an ‘Other’ myself–in more ways than one–I found Kim’s book to have touched on an issue worth serious consideration by every preacher. This work will start us on the process of becoming more culturally intelligent, whether we are preaching in South Hamilton or South Korea, New York or New Delhi.»
— Abraham Kuruvilla, Dallas Theological Seminary

«Preachers have been waiting for a smart book on cultural intelligence. Let’s face it, we’ve been behind the ball when it comes to really understanding the cultural diversity of our listeners. Kim brings us up to speed and gives us practical ways to use cultural intelligence.»
— Patricia Batten, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

Table of Contents:
Part 1: Cultural Intelligence in Theory
1. Preaching and Cultural Intelligence
2. The Homiletical Template
3. Hermeneutics and Cultural Intelligence
4. Exegeting the Preacher

Part 2: Cultural Intelligence in Practice
5. Preaching and Denominations
6. Preaching and Ethnicities
7. Preaching and Genders
8. Preaching and Locations
9. Preaching and Religions

Appendix 1: The Homiletical Template
Appendix 2: Worksheet for Understanding Culture
Appendix 3: Sample Sermon

Publisher Marketing:
To preach effectively in today’s world, preachers need cultural intelligence. They must build bridges between listeners who come from various denominations, ethnicities, genders, locations, religious backgrounds, and more. Experienced preacher and teacher Matthew Kim provides a step-by-step template for cross-cultural hermeneutics and homiletics, equipping preachers to reach their varied listeners in the church and beyond. Each chapter includes questions for individual thought or group discussion. The book also includes helpful diagrams and images, a sample sermon, and appendixes for exegeting listeners and for exploring cultural differences.

Contributor Bio: Kim, Matthew D
Matthew D. Kim (PhD, University of Edinburgh) is professor of practical theology and holder of the Hubert H. and Gladys S. Raborn Chair of Pastoral Leadership at Truett Theological Seminary, Baylor University, in Waco, Texas. He previously served as the George F. Bennett Professor of Preaching and Practical Theology, director of the Haddon W. Robinson Center for Preaching, and director of Mentored Ministry at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He is a past president of the Evangelical Homiletics Society and has over twenty years of preaching and teaching experience. Kim has written or edited many books, including Preaching to People in Pain (winner of a Christianity Today 2022 Book Award) and Preaching with Cultural Intelligence (the 2018 Preaching magazine Book of the Year).

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Preaching with Cultural Intelligence: Understanding the People Who Hear Our Sermons
Preaching with Cultural Intelligence – Understanding the People Who Hear Our Sermons

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