Missional Moves – 15 Tectonic Shifts That Transform Churches, Communities, and the World (Exponentia

Wegner & Magruder

259,00 kr

The church was never designed to be a fortress for the righteous, but a flood of revolutionaries, bringing the Good News of the Kingdom to broken lives and broken communities. Today, millions of Christians are awakening to the holism of the gospel call, expanding their understanding of mission beyond just touching individual lives to impacting and transforming entire communities with the message of God’s grace.

If this calling toward movement and transformation is to be realized, it will require some earth-shaking shifts–«Missional Moves»–that fundamentally alter our understanding of the church and how its mission is lived out. This book provides a plan of action for your church that will empower you to unleash each member on a mission, both locally and globally.

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Produktnr: 9780310495055 Kategori: Stikkord:
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Missional Moves
Missional Moves – 15 Tectonic Shifts That Transform Churches, Communities, and the World (Exponentia

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