Forfatter: Charles H Spurgeon
Utgivelsesdato/år: 2010
Utgiver/Forlag: Ingram
Aldersgruppe: Voksen
Språk: Engelsk
Antall sider: 206
Format: Heftet
Lectures to My Students – A Selection from Addresses Delivered to the Students
Charles H Spurgeon
219,00 kr
One contemporary scholar and authority on Spurgeon says of «Lectures to My Students»: «Next to Mr. Spurgeon’s great literary work, The Treasury of David, we consider (these) Lectures to My Students his greatest single contribution to the Christian world. There is more practical wisdom, common sense and sage advice packed within these pages than with any other book of similar size or content.» This edition of Spurgeon’s great work will make it possible for today’s generation to appreciate Spurgeon’s combination of discerning wit and refreshingly practical wisdom. Spurgeon’s words are as rich and nourishing for pastors and students today as they were more than a century ago. As were all of Spurgeon’s’ messages to his people, each of these lectures is Scripture-saturated and Christ-honoring. They move swiftly and are fascinating in their content and sage counsel. «Lectures to My Students» is an excellent and useful gift for pastors and seminary students, church history enthusiasts, and even collectors and readers of classic Victorian literature.
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